Enviado por StorytellerValdemir em 26/12/2011
Pessoas que sofrem deste mal, reclamam
por não poderem evacuar com frequência regular. Algumas pessoas chegam a
ficar mais de uma semana sem conseguir eliminar as fezes, o que gera um
desconforto e incômodo. Este caso parece cômico, mas somente quem sofre
deste mal e consegue superá-lo sabe a felicidade que é "cagar". Como
sempre digo: "As melhores coisas desta vida, são de graça." (por
Escriba: Valdemir Mota de Menezes)
People who suffer from this condition, they complain because they can not evacuate with regular frequency. Some people even get more than a week without being able to remove the feces, which creates a nuisance and discomfort. This case seems comical, but only one who suffers from this evil can overcome it and know that happiness is "crap". As I always say: "The best things of this life are free." (for Scribe: Valdemir Mota de Menezes)
People who suffer from this condition, they complain because they can not evacuate with regular frequency. Some people even get more than a week without being able to remove the feces, which creates a nuisance and discomfort. This case seems comical, but only one who suffers from this evil can overcome it and know that happiness is "crap". As I always say: "The best things of this life are free." (for Scribe: Valdemir Mota de Menezes)